The prestigious Idit Fellowship program - at the Faculty of Social Science at the University of Haifa is a flagship research program - aimed at providing the support and opportunities to enable an elite and select group of PhD students to become future leaders in social science research. The program is jointly funded by the Advanced Studies Authority and by the faculty.
The goals of the Idit program are to boost levels of training, research, and teaching to an international and competitive level, comparable to that of leading international institutions. Special emphasis is put on applied computational social science methods.
What we're looking for
Students who enroll in their PhD in October 2024 at the University of Haifa (Faculty of Social Sciences).
Students who have completed an excellent master’s degree (thesis-based) and/or have other clear evidence for their exceptional potential as a research student (e.g., a first authored published paper in a respectable peer reviewed scientific journal).
Candidates who are motivated to work on cutting-edge interdisciplinary research (familiarity with computational social science research is an advantage).
Fellowship guidelines and requirements at the University of Haifa
Students in Idit must complete their Ph.D. within 4 years of beginning their doctoral program.
The doctoral research proposal must be approved within 4 semesters of the beginning of doctoral studies.
If a student cannot complete their studies or fulfill the academic requirements of the fellowship, they will be subject to the academic rules pertaining to fellowship students at the University of Haifa. A student who withdraws from doctoral studies will no longer receive the fellowship stipend, and may be required to pay back fellowship funding. A cessation of studies will result in the immediate cessation of the fellowship stipend.
Idit fellowship students may not receive concurrent fellowship awards.
The payment of the stipend is made only to bank accounts in Israel.
What we offer
A substantial stipend (ILS 70,000 per academic year for four years), and support for research expenses. The faculty will fund all program activities, student courses, workshops, monthly meetings, annual conference, administrative support for the program, as well as (conditional on budgetary constraints) additional student support for presenting research at conferences and publication in scientific journals. Faculty support is conditional on budgetary approval and supervisor contribution of 15,000 NIS per year by the students’ advisor.
Hand-picked courses and workshops.
Personal mentoring.
If you think you could be a successful candidate, here’s how to apply:
Upload all of the following documents by 1.8.2024 using the submission form below
Detailed CV (including the following information: Personal Details, Education, Awards and Honors, Conferences / Workshops, Work Experience, Publications).
Academic transcripts with grade averages (for both B.A. and M.A. degrees) and institutional certificates of completion of B.A and M.A degrees.
Two letters of recommendation (only one of which should be from the adviser of the M.A. thesis).
Statement of research intent: This should include (1) The topic of the research; (2) A description of the research project including its innovative contribution. The statement should also explain the importance of this area of research and why you are the right person to undertake it. Up to one page.
A signed letter of commitment from the PhD advisor/s (confirming supervision and providing scholarship matching of 15,000 NIS x 4 years - 10/2024 through to 9/2028).
Idit applicants must apply for the institutional excellence scholarship by August 1st:
Israeli citizens please use the following link.
Non Israeli citizens please register by sending an email to:
Deadline for Submissions: 1.8.2024 (August , 1st , 2024)
Applications are now open
Interviews will take place in August 2024. Final decisions will be made by September 2024.