
Ofek Edri-Peer

Ofek Edri-Peer and Nissim Cohen, Citizens’ illegal behavior as a response to unsatisfactory street-level encounters: the causal relationship between procedural justice and vigilantism Edri-Peer, Ofek & Cohen, N. (2023). Procedural Justice and the Unintended Role of Street-Level Bureaucrats in Prompting Citizens to Act as Vigilantes. The American Review of Public Administration, 53(2), 51–63.
Edri-Peer, Ofek & Cohen, Nissim (2023). Procedural Justice and the Role of Street-level Bureaucrats in Prompting Citizens to Act as Vigilantes, The American Review of Public Administration.
Edri-Peer, Ofek, Costa Silveira, Mariana, Davidovitz, Maayan, Frisch-Aviram, Neomi, Shehade, Jamal, Diab, Hadeel, Golan-Nadir, Niva & Cohen, Nissim (2023). Policy Entrepreneurship on the Street-Level: Systematic Literature Review. European Policy Analysis.Edri-Peer, Ofek & Cohen, Nissim (2024). Citizens' Illegal Behavior as a Response to Unsatisfactory Street-Level Encounters: The Causal Relationship between Procedural Justice and Vigilantism. Public Management Review.Gershgoren, Sagi, Edri-Peer, Ofek & Cohen, Nissim (In Press). Cognitive Bias in Street-Level Resolutions: The Case of Multiple Claims in Tax Disputes. Public Administration.Chapters in Scientific Books:
Cohen, Nissim & Edri-Peer, Ofek (2024). Bounded Rationality in Public Policy. In: van Gerven, Minna, Rothmayr Allison, Christine & Schubert, Klaus (eds.), Encyclopedia of Public Policy.
Edri-Peer, Ofek & Cohen, Nissim (In Press). Policy Entrepreneurship within Street-Level Bureaucracies. In: Peters, Guy (ed.), Handbook of Bureaucratic Autonomy: Politics, Resources, Power.Book Reviews:
Edri-Peer, Ofek & Cohen, Nissim (2023). “When Social Workers Impact Policy and Don’t Just Implement It: A Framework for Understanding Policy Engagement - a book review of John Gal and Idit Weiss-Gal’s book, Public Administration Review

Noa Birman

Birman, N. A., Katz-Navon, T., Vashdi, D., & Hofstetter, H. (2024). Remotely engaged-The role of Job crafting in employees' changes in engagement over time after an abrupt transition to remote work. Frontiers in Organizational Psychology, 2, 1363859.Birman, N. A., Vashdi, D. R., Miller-Mor Atias, R., Riskin, A., Zangen, S., Litmanovitz, I., & Sagi, D. (2024). Unveiling the paradoxes of implementing post graduate competency based medical education programs. Medical Teacher, 1-8.

Talia Goren

Goren, T., Vashdi, D. R. & Beeri, I. (2022). Count on trust: the indirect effect of trust in government on policy compliance with health behavior instructions. Policy Sciences, 55, 593–630,, T. and Beeri, I, (2019). The agenda of municipal elected officials and public opinion in Facebook: The impact of personal and structural characteristics. Hamishpat, Special issue on Transparency and Freedom of Information Law ,25, 138 (In Hebrew). 

Maria Mahamed (Polinova)

Mahamed, M., Wittenberg, L., Kutiel, H. and Brook, A. (2023). A novel urban vegetation mapping approach for fire risk assessment: A Mediterranean case study. Urban Ecosystems, 26(5), pp.1263-1274. (Polinova), M., Wittenberg, L., Kutiel, H., & Brook, A. (2022). Fire Risk Assessment on Wildland–Urban Interface and Adjoined Urban Areas: Estimation Vegetation Ignitability by Artificial Neural Network. Fire, 5, 184. fire5060184Polinova, M., Wittenberg, L., Kutiel, H., & Brook, A. (2019) Reconstructing pre-fire vegetation condition in the wildland urban interface (WUI) using artificial neural network. Journal of environmental management, 238, 224-234.Polinova, M., Salinas, K., Bonfante, A., & Brook, A. (2019). Irrigation Optimization Under a Limited Water Supply by the Integration of Modern Approaches into Traditional Water Management on the Cotton Fields. Remote Sensing, 11(18), 2127.Brook, A., Wittenberg, L., Kopel, D., Polinova, M., Roberts, D., Ichoku, C., & Shtober‐Zisu, N. (2018). Structural heterogeneity of vegetation fire ash. Land degradation & development, 29(7), 2208-2221. Brook, A., Polinova, M., & Ben-Dor, E. (2018). Fine tuning of the SVC method for airborne hyperspectral sensors: The BRDF correction of the calibration nets targets. Remote Sensing of Environment, 204, 861-871.Polinova, M., Jarmer, T., & Brook, A. (2018). Spectral data source effect on crop state estimation by vegetation indices. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77, article number 752.

Efrat Mishor

Vigoda-Gadot, E., Mizrahi, S., Cohen, N. & Mishor, E. (2023). Citizens’ reactions to global crises: a longitudinal study during the COVID-19 pandemic in Israel. SN Social Sciences, 3, article number 24 

Elizaveta Morozan-Sorokina

Sorokina, E., Soffer, P., Hadar, I., Leron, U., Zerbato, F., Weber, B. (2023). PEM4PPM: A Cognitive Perspective on the Process of Process Mining. In: Lecture notes in computer science. 465–481, Springer .

Brenda Sbarski

Sbarski, B., & Akirav, I. (2020). Cannabinoids as therapeutics for PTSD. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 211, 107551. B, Akirav I. (2018). Chronic pre-trauma exposure to cannabinoids may have negative effects on emotional function. European Neuropsychopharmacology. 28, 955-969.

Ryan Shandler

Shandler, R., Gross, M. L., Backhaus, S., & Canetti, D. (2022). Cyber Terrorism and Public Support for Retaliation – A Multi-Country Survey Experiment. British Journal of Political Science, 52(2), 850–868. doi:10.1017/S0007123420000812 Shandler, R., Gross, MG., Canetti, D. (2021). A Fragile Public Preference for Using Cyber Strikes: Evidence from Survey Experiments in the United States, United Kingdom and Israel. Contemporary Security Policy. 42(2), 135162.Lee, C. S., Choi, K. S., Shandler, R., & Kayser, C. (2021). Mapping Global Cyberterror Networks: An Empirical Study of Al-Qaeda and ISIS Cyberterrorism Events. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 37(3), 333355.Shandler, R., Snider, K., Canetti, D. (2021). “The Political Psychology of Cyber Terrorism”, in The Cambridge Handbook of Political Psychology, Eds. Danny Osborne & Chris G. Sibley. Shandler, R., Gross, M. L., & Canetti, D. (2019). Can You Engage in Political Activity Without Internet Access? The Social Effects of Internet Deprivation. Political Studies Review, 18(4), 620-629.Shandler, R. (2019) The age of surveillance capitalism: the fight for a human future at the new frontier of power (Book Review), Journal of Cyber Policy, 4(2), 303-304.Shandler, R., & Canetti, D. (2019). A Reality of Vulnerability and Dependence: Internet Access as a Human Right. Israel Law Review, 52(1), 77-98.Shandler, R.  (2018) Measuring the Political and Social Implications of Government-Initiated Cyber Shutdowns." In 8th {USENIX} Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet ({FOCI} 18). USENIX} Association}.

Felix Tener

Tener, F., and Lanir, J. (2024). Devising a High-Level Command Language for the Teleoperation of Autonomous VehiclesInternational Journal of Human–Computer Interaction., F., and Lanir, J. (2024).  Investigating intervention road scenarios for teleoperation of autonomous vehicles. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 83(21), 61103–61119., F., & Lanir, J. (2023, September). Design of a High-Level Guidance User Interface for Teleoperation of Autonomous Vehicles. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (pp. 287-290)., F., and Lanir, J. (2022).  Driving from a Distance: Challenges and Guidelines for Autonomous Vehicle Teleoperation Interfaces. CHI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Article No.: 250, 1–13 .